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yukawa 100th anniversary version yukawa 100th anniversary version japanese
Scientific Program (Final)    
Overview of Scientific Program (May 25)
Schedules of Parallel Sessions (May 23)
List of All Presentations (names and titles) (June 1)

Program Overview

Evening Time
June 3 (Sun.)   Symposium for Centennial Celebration of Hideki Yukawa
- Hideki Yukawa and Nuclear Physics-
Welcome Drink
June 4 (Mon.) Plenary
Opening Ceremony, Parallel Sessions
June 5 (Tue.) Plenary Parallel Sessions,
June 6 ( Wed.) Plenary Parallel Sessions,
June 7 (Thu.) IUPAP Prize Award,
Excursion Banquet
(Tokyo Bay Cruise)
June 8 (Fri.) Plenary,
Closing Remarks
Subjects to be Discussed
1. The Standard Model and Beyond
2. Neutrino Physics
3. Hot and Dense QCD
4. Hadron Structure
5. Hadrons in Nuclei
6. Nuclear Structure
7. Nuclear Reactions
8. Nuclear Astrophysics
9. Nuclear Application and Interdisciplinary Researches
10. New Facilities and Instrumentations

Speakers at Symposium for Centennial Celebration of Hideki Yukawa

A. Arima (Tokyo)
Hideki Yukawa and Nuclear Physics

T.D. Lee (Columbia)
Symmetry and Asymmetry

Y. Nambu (Chicago)
Legacies of Yukawa and His Disciples, A Personal View

H. Sato (Yukawa Memorial Foundation and Kyoto U)
Biography of Hideki Yukawa

J.P. Schiffer (Chicago)
Perspective on the Development of Nuclear Physics in the Past 100 Year

T. Yamazaki (Tokyo)
Interplay between Yukawa and Tomonaga in the Birth of Mesons

A. Zichichi (World Federation of Scientists)
From the Yukawa Particle to the QGCW

Plenary Speakers

W. Weise (Munchen)
Overview and perspectives of nuclear physics

T. Aumann (GSI)
Giant resonances in exotic nuclei - Experimental Status and Perspectives

J. Aysto (Juvaskyla)
Overview of recent highlights at ISOL facilities

D.J. Dean (Oak Ridge)
Present and future of nuclear structure theory

E. Fiorini (Milano)
Present status of double beta decay

A.C. Fonseca (Lisbon)
Few-body ab initio scattering calculations including Coulomb

B. Frois (Saclay)
The future of nuclear energy in a global energy perspective

T. Glasmacher (MSU)
In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy with fast beams of rare isotopes

R.S. Hayano (Tokyo)
Experimental study of hadron properties in the nuclear medium

E. Hiyama (Nara WU)
Recent progress in hypernuclear physics

N. Holtkamp (ITER)
Present Status and Future Prospects of ITER Project

G.J. Mathews (Notre Dame)
Recent Developments in Nuclear Astrophysics

K. Morita (RIKEN)
Experiments on searching for the heaviest elements

T. Otsuka (Tokyo)
Exotic Nuclei and Yukawa's Forces

M. Grosse Perdekamp (Illinois/RBRC)
Nucleon Spin Structure, 30 Years of Experiment: What have we learned?

M. Ramsey-Musolf (Wisconsin)
Low Energy Tests of the Standard Model

C. Rolfs (Bochum)
Direct measurements for reaction cross sections with high sensitivity

A. Schaefer (Regensburg)

Hadron structure in Lattice QCD

A. Suzuki (KEK)
Present status of neutrino masses and oscillations

J.A. Tostevin (Surrey)
Nuclear reactions as probes of exotic nuclei

M. Vanderhaeghen (JLab)
Overview of Nucleon Structure Studies

A.C.C. Villari (GANIL)
Recent activities with post-accelerated RIBs: Techniques and Physics

U.A. Wiedemann (CERN)
Quark-gluon plasma: theoretical overview

W. Zajc (Columbia)
Quark-gluon plasma: Experimental overview

S.L. Zhu (Peking)
Spectroscopy of Mesons with Heavy Quarks

R. J. Fries (Texas A & M)
Quark and Gluon Degrees of Freedom in High-Energy Heavy Ion Collisions

K. Sekiguchi (RIKEN)
Exploring Three-Nucleon Forces with Nucleon-Deuteron Scattering

Y. A. Litvinov (GSI)
Nuclear Properties far off Stability from Broad-Band Mass and
Lifetime Measurements in a Storage Ring

R. Olthof(Publishing Editor, Elsevier)
Nuclear Physics A Young Scientist Prize

A.W. Thomas (Jefferson Lab)
Report on the work of the IUPAP Working Group 9